When September 11 rolls around this year, would you like something to distract you from the fact that, since that watershed moment, our government has abused the sincere good will of the entire planet and has chosen instead to fear- and war-monger, and edge us ever closer to fascism?
Well I've got just the thing.
There is one man willing to stand up and fight the creeping forces of tyranny. There's a man who won't accept the slow, steady erosion of his rights. This man has a date with the dark side of the law: September 10, 2007. That's the day when our man Keith will go to court to dispute the speeding ticket unfairly administered to him by a pudgy town cop with a Napoleon complex -- I'll call him trooper VonStrasburg. Our young Keith was doing a little driving on a Sunday, helping poor people and heading to our Mother's house for a nice after-church dinner, when he was suddenly confronted with the demand to see his papers.
I wanted to volunteer, "His name is Keith, your majesty. Like in Toby Keith?" but I kept my mouth shut and just took this awesome photo. Can't you just see the angry red marks those NASCAR shades must leave on his porcine little face? Oh, you've met this Jasper before. You remember this guy!
Come September 11, 2007 we'll know if justice still breaths in the Strasburg jurisdiction, for mighty Keith Everyman will have told it to the judge. In fact, he has vowed to die rather than pay this fine. At least I'm sure he'd vow that if you asked him, so don't bother asking him. Just watch this space and prepare to be inspired.
A. Fantastic picture.
2. Once while driving with Keith and Rosellen in the car I griped aloud to my fellow drivers "can't you people at least do the speed limit?" and Ro said "the speed limit is the MOST you should do" and I thought "guess she learned THAT from her mother".
Just curious, but how fast was he going?
Not that bastard VonStrasburg! I HATE that guy! That short pudgy little nazi made us pour our beer out on the side of the road, summer '83. I'm pretty sure it was him...he was short and pudgy anyway...he had different sunglasses back then.
The question has been asked, "How fast was he going?" Yes, that IS the question.
If the radar reading is in question, and the cop was speeding, and the cop has an authoritarian bent, then how can we know? Have you asked yourself: how can we really ever know? Because that's the question.
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