Tuesday, January 16, 2007


We’ve got an ice storm this morning. In Portland, the temperature doesn’t get too cold so when we have bad weather it’s usually right around 30 degrees. We don’t get a lot of snow, but we do get ice. My brother Dave in Nebraska would probably look at this and say, “Gadzooks, you can’t drive in that?” He really does say “gadzooks” – he sounds like Rumsfeld but without the guile. But Portland is like a hockey rink with hills today.

In other news, yesterday was haircut day for our cat, Action Jackson. He’s part Persian, part Siamese, part Abominable Tumbleweed. When his fur gets long, you can’t even see his legs and he just glides around like a frosted armadillo. He loves to get his lion cut hairdo. Ever had a crew cut? Know how you can’t stop lightly brushing it with the palm of your hand? That’s our boy.


LMP said...

My cat would like to kick your cat's ass.

FlapScrap said...

Your cat would be dead, dead, dead and you would be cryin' like Nancy Kerrigan. Jackson don't take no mess.